In August of 2002 I packed up my car and drove with my parents to DBU where I was starting my freshman year of college. There aren’t enough words or time to explain how much I loved that first year of college. Part of the reason that year was so exciting was my incredible roommate Alison.
Our VERY first day in our DBU dorm room in 2002. (This picture is hilarious for many reasons: 1. our dorm room. 2. the fact that Alison is obviously bending down and I am on my tippy toes so I’ll look tall. 3. Alison’s bed is made and perfect while mine still has junk all over it. An indicator of many days to come…)
We had so much fun living together and she is, to this day, one of the most thoughtful friends I have. We were roommates for the next four years, until she graduated and left me.
One of the first things Alison and I talked about when we met was the fact that our birthdays were not very far apart. First my birthday, then Christmas/Winter Break and then Alison’s birthday.
So, today is Alison’s birthday and I’ve compiled a Top 26 list in honor of her 26th birthday.
Here it goes:
1. Even though her name is Alison, her nickname has been “Cal” since very early on freshman year, and she doesn’t seem to mind it. Even when people think we’re calling her “cow”.
2. Her nickname is “Cal” because she was flirting with this guy in the coffee shop and he asked what her name was and she replied “Caliente” (Spanish for “hot”). So we called her Caliente for a while and eventually shortened it to Cal. I just love this story. It’s so very Alison.
3. We have stayed friends for a long time, through some truly crazy things.
4. The time we decided on Wednesday that we needed to get away for the weekend so we left Thursday night for Nashville. Obviously.
5. Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights (Alison understands).
6. Alison has an endless supply of costumes, which has always made life very interesting.
She wore this TO WORK last Valentine’s Day….
Jennifer, Me, Cal and Katy (All dressed up for the DBU Lip-Synch)
7. She is a huge encouragement in my life. Always believing in me.
8. Cal loves her family and they have been a huge blessing to my life too. Her mom, Patty has been a huge prayer warrior for me and many of Alison’s other friends. The bond that the Lord has given our friends with our families has been truly incredible.
9. Alison is an amazing teacher and she loves her students very much.
10. Our freshman year of college we had the party room and it was the best!
11. Alison LOVES coffee. I mean she LOVES it. I don’t think I know anyone else who gets as much enjoyment from coffee as she does.
12. Alison loves God with all her heart, mind and soul (in other words, more than coffee).
13. One time I had to go to a music performance for a class, and I, of course, put it off till the very last minute. So, I asked Cal if she would come with me at 5:30 that night- it started at 8:00, luckily, she agreed to come with me and so we headed off to the Symphony together. It was a really fun night, that I always remember as being one of my favorite roomie things we did.
14. Alison’s ALWAYS up for an adventure (see #13).
15. She is beautiful. Inside and out!

16. She worked in the coffee shop at school for a while and she would always make us the best drinks! It was so much fun to go to the coffee shop and play music- it was like our own little party place, only with a few extra party-goers.
17. Alison is always willing to take on the leadership role. Definitely important when you are friends with someone as indecisive as me.
18. She’s never met a stranger.
19. In addition to number 18, if Alison ever needs a place to stay in Timbuktu she will invariably know someone’s cousin’s uncles best friend that lives there. She never burns a bridge.
20. I don’t really know why I decided to do this, but one time I called Alison on the phone and asked if she would be willing to host a Pimps and Hoes (or P and H) party in our dorm room if I promised to invite only girls. She agreed and we had, maybe the weirdest party ever, on our little Baptist campus.
21. We never were troublemakers, but we did get up to a bunch of crazy antics together (see #20).
22. When we get together we laugh. A LOT!
23. We have now celebrated 8 birthdays as friends. Crazy! When did we get that old?
24. We ALWAYS have fun together!
25. When we lived together Alison would always write me little notes of encouragement that meant so much to me. I’m telling you people, you haven’t lived until you’ve lived with Alison.
26. I love you, Alison. You are a dear, sweet friend!