As I may have mentioned one or five hundred times before that I am a former poor grad student who just finished grad school and now has seven million dollars worth of student loans to repay. Seven million might possibly be over estimating my debt by a million or three, but still. Due to my current desire to not die of hypothermia I have had to make the ultimate sacrifice and give up cable television as well as basic television in exchange for heat. I’m stuck with an antenna for all my television needs, and thanks to DTV that means that when the wind blows out of the north, south, east or west I can only get about two channels at a time. I’ve been known to actually hold the antenna in my hand in order to receive a tv channel (but only for very special occasions- i.e. the Jim/Pam wedding on The Office).
So, all that to say- I swore off watching The Bachelor after the last one with Jason, followed quickly by my decision to swear off watching The Bachelorette because of Gillian’s somewhat risqué season. And since both those seasons were FILLED with completely wrong decisions, it seemed like an easy task. That is, until I couldn’t watch it do to my Poor/DTV/Antenna problems. I began to drive myself crazy because the only thing worse than watching it was not watching it. Finally, last night I was able to rig up my antenna so that I could watch ABC. And the heavens rejoiced.
I’d like to pretend that having missed three episodes made it difficult to catch up but au contraire, my friend… sometimes you can just plunk down right in the middle of a good drama and instantly understand the players and their motives (ask any girl who’s ever lived in a college dorm). Since I promised myself never to watch the show again I can’t bring myself to talk about it too much, but there are some things that MUST be said:
1. Hide and Seek. I’ve been on some pretty sad dates but I’ve never been asked to play hide and seek on one. I reserve Hide and Seek for the truly special people in my life- seven year olds.
2. BUT, if I were going to play Hide and Seek on my date you better believe I would play it a lot better than they did. I mean he could totally just check under the trees and see her feet. Duh.
3. Don’t even get me STARTED on the fact that Jake picked that girl up and carried her to nowhere for all of three minutes. And don’t EVEN get me started on the way he was carrying her.
4. Spin The Bottle- there are two of you. Unless you’re willing to make out with a tree, we all know how this is gonna end.
5. My favorite line of the night was something to the effect of: “I’m going to throw my heart out there and just see where it lands” (he’s a pilot…. where it lands….. greatness).
That’s about as in depth as I’m able to go, because have I mentioned the absence of the DVR in my life? Also, I think it’s for the best that I never talk or think about the fact that I’ve completely turned my back on my own principles by returning to the show I’d promised to forget. Oh Bachelor, I wish I could quit you.
I just watched it today, but I was distracted and on the computer, so I wasn't paying too much attention to it. That's bascially the only way I can get through an episode of "On the Wings of Love." But I seriously embarassed for Jake when they played spin the bottle. Blech.