Some might say it’s completely inappropriate and a totally self-indulgent to post photos of yourself from months ago on your blog. To those people I say: clearly, you have never made a stupid new year’s resolution that you have to follow through with. And also, isn’t the whole point of having a blog that you can say all the inappropriate things you want to in your every day life and have all the self-indulgence in the world to believe you’re right?
Anyway, as a part of my graduate studies I had to complete a recital last October and here are some of the pictures.
Blurry! With my grad school friends Hope and Yumi.
My parents and I.
My professor and I. Bathed in a seriously golden light.
My sweet friends Miranda and Jennifer who came all the way to hear me sing. (Have I mentioned lately that I have the best friends in the world.)
This picture is VERY funny to me. Because even though it was taken last October, it could be from high school. These two girls (Ashley and Chelsea) went to high school with me and we were
best inseparable friends. What is sad to me is that they both look exactly the same, if not better, than when we were in high school. Not fair.
This picture was taken at the end of the night because my Mother insisted on having a photo of me next to the piano. So, you’ll have to pardon the fact that I look tired, staged, and my hair has gone completely flat (of all the moments to be without a Bump-It).
I know that my reader had been wanting to see photos so, here they are! Now, you’ll have to excuse me, I have to go check in with the latest news on the Tonight Show/ Conan O’Brien / Jay Leno feud. I am CAPTIVATED. This drama rivals an episode of ‘The Bachelor: On The Wings of Love’ (I kid. Nothing can compare to that drama).
Oooo, I love the self-indulgent pics! Keep em comin! I hated to miss this, so I'm glad you posted these. I love your dress, and your necklace is BEAUTIFUL!! I can't decide if my favorite is the Golden Light or the Piano.