Friday, January 22, 2010

Totally Tapped

The title of this post has nothin’ to do with nothin’ except the fact that I am totally tapped on writing material.  So, I guess you’re stuck with listening to my day. 

Yesterday was weird.  My students had testing in the morning which meant that I got to show up late.  But, showing up late put my internal calculator totally out of whack.  My morning students came in the afternoon and I was seriously confused about where I was and what was going on.

Since I was going to have to stay at school later than usual I decided to go to the teacher’s lounge and grab a little caffeine.  I put my dollar into the machine and pressed the button for Coke Zero, my current vending machine drink of choice.  Coke Zero?  Sold out.  So, I tried for a Diet Coke- sold out.  Coke? Out.  Sprite? Out.  Water? Out. 

Finally, Mr. Pibb.  Success.   Except not at all a success.  This was the first time I’ve had a Mr. Pibb in years and the first time I’ve had a non-diet drink in a while.  Ever since I drank that Mr. Pibb I’ve had a serious headache.

Also, yesterday I heard that National Pie Day was coming up so I decided to get all domestic and make a pie.  Unfortunately, I didn’t really plan ahead and so my ingredients were very limited.  I had a graham cracker crust, some chocolate chips, and some heavy cream.  So I finally found a good recipe, and I was only missing one ingredient- marshmallows.  Not a big deal, right?  Well, I was supposed to fix up the pie and then let it set in the fridge for about three hours.  I realized about four hours in that this pie desperately needed the marshmallows.  So, I put the pie in the freezer instead and I tried a piece tonight.  It was ok, but a little bit of a disgrace in the light of National Pie Day.

So, in summary, Pie and Pibb.  Sad. 

I’m officially tapped.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Pibb?!?! Blech. I'm so sorry! I can't even believe they still make that.

    You're so good at experimenting with recipes! I'm sorry it didn't turn out, though. Lemme know if you try it again with the marshmallows- sounds delish!
