Wednesday, July 22, 2009

These Sharks Are Packin’

I am mildly obsessed with the Discovery Channel’s Shark Week.

I thought I should just get that confession out of the way first thing.  Maybe my obsession is caused by the fact that Shark Week only comes around once a year, so I have 51 weeks to look forward to the next one.  This leaves a lot of time to think about all the shark-related material I am missing out on.  It may also be caused by the fact that, when we were kids, my brother and I would rent the National Geographic’s Shark special video from the library for weeks on end.  So, I’ve had the interest for quite some time now.

The most likely theory, however, stems from the time I went into the Gulf of Mexico with my snorkel gear on and I saw a massive crab next to my foot.  Not quite the same as a great white, but I have been afraid of the “deep blue” ever since.

My personal favorite Shark Week moment is a little show called Air Jaws.  You probably shouldn’t click on this if you have some sort of deep spiritual connection with seals.

I only mention Shark Week because I recently saw a commercial for it and then I remembered last year’s shark week.  I was watching with my BFF Chels (and it was one of the show’s where a human decides to jump into the shark cage to gain some sort of understanding about the hammer-head’s hunting habits) and we were very upset because it looked as though the shark was going to outsmart the cage and unlatch it somehow. 

In her horror Chelsea yelled out “Why don’t they make these shark cages bullet-proof or something?!?”

Obviously she felt (and I agree) that, although you never want to be stuck underwater with a shark, you DEFINITELY don’t want to be found unprotected with a shark packin’ some heat.


  1. So one of my favorite 30 Rock quotes is this: "Live every week like it's Shark Week." I'm so glad you can take that to heart.

    I also have this image in my head of a little cartoon shark, like a really cute one with glasses holding a big rifle- like a Tommy Gun (whatever the heck that is) or something.

  2. I LOVE this quote. I've been saying it to myself all night.
