Sunday, January 31, 2010

Resolution Rewind

Today is the last day in January.  I say that just in case you missed it and didn’t realize that it’s the 31st which means that my January Resolution is up!  And it was successful.  I challenged myself to blog for 5 days a week this month and I survived.  Granted, I won’t be winning any literary awards any time soon, but I had a lot of fun doing it which was the whole point.

And since most people do a year in review I’ve decided to be completely self-indulgent and start slowly with just a month in review.  Here were a few of my favorite January moments (in case you missed it the first time):

5.  My Mom surprised me with a gift that keeps on giving.

4. I shared this sad reality.

3. This picture surfaced on the blog.

2. I had a (rare) moment of seriousness and shared my failure when it comes to perfection.

1. Do you ever forget the mid to late 90’s?  This little post brought the memories SCREAMING back to me.

Before this all began I knew that at the end of the month I would want to write a post about how it had all changed my life and the way I look at my days.  Instead, it mainly exhausted me and made me realize that I don’t do anything.  Upon realizing this, most people would stop writing a blog.  But, luckily for my reader, my own personal combination of ego and denial refuses to let me quit.  In other words:

Good News Internets, I’m here to STAY!

(Unless I change my mind in the next week)

1 comment:

  1. Yea!! I'm so glad you are here to stay! And way to go on 5 days a week for a month! I'm verryyy impressed. :0)
