Thursday, January 21, 2010

Miracle Man

Last night a miracle occurred at my place!

My brother called me.  On the phone.

My brother, Colin, is an elusive man, not given to long phone conversations…. or long conversations.

But that’s not the only miracle that happened last night.  Oh, no.  My brother and I talked on the phone for 7 MINUTES.  Actually, we spoke for 7 minutes AND 47 seconds.  So that’s practically like 8 minutes.  During those 8 minutes we talked about a bunch of different stuff, his new job and living arrangements and my job. 

I know this was a miracle because when I mentioned it to my Mother she was shocked!  She just kept repeating “Colin called you?  HE called YOU?”  If anybody understands my brothers’ hesitancy towards all things talking, it’s my Mom.

The only other thing my brother is hesitant about is taking pictures, but here are a few old school delights that I dug up for you.  These reveal more about my childhood than I care to admit.

Childhood 001 (21)In the back of our big brown van.

Colin 001

Once again, in the Brown Beast.  We spent MANY a family vacation in this thing.

Childhood 001 (14)

Rollercoaster Ride.


And my personal favorite:

Reservation 001We look so little and the teepee that we were visiting looks so big.  And, why were we visiting a teepee???

The teepee didn’t come up in our conversation last night, but we packed a lot of other stuff into our seven minute chat.  Or, what I am now referring to as “the seven minute miracle”.

1 comment:

  1. The van looks AWESOME! Does he smile at all?! Lastly, that teepee might be the biggest one I have ever seen!

    Oh, and can you imagine us only talking for 7 minutes? Impossible.
