We now interrupt our regularly scheduled programming so that I can talk to an inanimate object that I’m pretty sure doesn’t read my blog.
Dear Mattress,
I realize I put you under a lot of undue stress by watching movies, checking me email and reading books while on you, but if you could please stop being so uncomfortable at night as I try to settle in and find my sweet spot I’d really appreciate it. M’kay?
Also, if you could please stop being so blissfully comfortable at 6:00 in the morning, making me want to snuggle up under my blankets and stay warm, that would be really helpful.
Thank you.
Your friend, Crystal
Aren’t mornings the absolute worst? (Unless, of course, there are donuts or cinnamon rolls or breakfast taquitos or pigs in a blanket involved. Or unless sunrises in your pj’s, reading in your pj’s or laying under the covers in your pj’s are involved. In which case morning’s are perfectly lovely.)
This makes me laugh. Ha! And now I can't stop thinking about DONUTS! CINNAMON ROLLS! BREAKFAST TAQUITOS! PIGS IN A BLANKET! Oh my lands, I just feel I like am never full and always hungry.