Thursday, January 14, 2010


I tried to think of something else to write about because I feel others can and have spoken to this subject better than I am able to, but this is the event that is most on my heart and mind today, so….

I can’t begin to fathom the massive undertaking of this search and rescue mission.  Since the quake destroyed Port-au-Prince the capitol of Haiti and 2 million souls live there it’s reasonable to imagine that 2 million people have been effected.  Many are still stuck inside buildings.  I learned yesterday that Haiti is the poorest nation in the western hemisphere.  The devastation is simply unbelievable and I think if I concentrate on it for too long then my heart may break.

It’s difficult to be able to identify with a tragedy so far away, but I just keep thinking that some of the victims were sons, some mothers, others were uncles and some were sweet, innocent babies.  All were children of God. 

Text ‘Haiti’ to 90999 to donate $10 to the American Red Cross or text ‘disaster’ to 90999 to donate the same amount to Compassion International.

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