Monday, April 12, 2010

Life… Or Something Like It

After taking last Tuesday off to pal around with my friends my return to work on Wednesday was a little overwhelming.  My students were preparing for a singing competition on Saturday and this competition is pretty much a litmus test of how prepared my students are and how good of a teacher I am.  No pressure. 

So, in the midst of preparing for all that insanity I got a call from my landlord telling me they wanted to show my apartment to a potential leaser (Have I mentioned I’m moving out of my apartment in precisely 8 weeks?  Have I mentioned I’m freaking out about having to move out of my apartment in 8 weeks?).  Basically, the landlord told me they wanted me out of the apartment at a few specific times and I agreed, but then I panicked and began to clean like a maniac.  Somewhere between dusting the baseboards in my dining room and alphabetizing my DVD collection I realized that my need to please people was running rampant and since I am not the one trying to sell the place I needed to release it.  So I gave up and spent the rest of my night watching The Cosby Show.

Finally Saturday rolled around and the competition was on!  I had one complete and utter melt-down from a student- the poor girl stopped singing on the last verse of her song, turned around and looked at me with huge tears in her eyes and started to bawl.  In front the accompanist and her judge and I.  Luckily, the judge was very kind and understanding and let my student leave the room for a minute and collect herself then come back and finish her song.  My student ended up doing very well and learned an important life lesson- which is really the whole point.  That poor girl had spent all day the day before at a volleyball tournament, stayed out late the night before then had to sing at 8:00 in the morning before heading back to play more volleyball.  Which really makes me want to get up on my high horse and preach about how overextended kids are these days, but I’m going to hold back this time (There will be plenty more opportunities for me to preach at you, since this is my blog and all). 

All said and done, I had 21 students sing at competition and ALL of them received I’s (the highest possible ranking)!  I am one proud and excited teacher!

After basking in the glow of success I headed out on Sunday to meet my people for lunch.  My buddies Sarah and Justin (The Dr.s’ Ward) were in town and we had to celebrate.  Among our group of friends celebration means ONE thing: Mexican food.  We had the best time.  You know you’re with good company when you can talk about any little thing with friends.  At the end I wanted something to commemorate the fun so I took a picture.  But the picture only had half the table in it because I didn’t want to stand up to take it and cause a scene.  So, I made a difficult decision and took a picture of the half of the table that had two of my twitter friends on it so I could send it there and show everyone what a great time we were having.

However, I never ended up sending it to twitter because:

the stink eye  the stink eye2 I don’t know what I ever did to Justin, but apparently he’s unhappy with me.  Or at the very least, he doesn’t have any control over his eyes.  Ironic, since he’s an optometrist.

Happy Monday!


  1. bahahahahahahahaha oh the conversations that we have when we get together! you are beautiful friend and it was just great to see you!

  2. My dear daughter, I do enjoy reading your blog and seeing the pictures you post.


  3. I LOVE the Cosby Show. It's always a better alternaive to cleaning. Always.

    I'm so proud of your students and you. Way to go champ!

    And I really hated to miss out on lunch. It looked like a fun time! (Btw, at church on Sunday I wore the shoes you gave me and I love them. Thanks again!) And I totally understand the dilemma of picture taking. It's so nice to have them of everyone, but I really hate to make everyone stop eating, smile, and shift clloossseeerrr together so all the heads will fit. And then you have to take no less than 5 pictures to make sure no one is blinking.
