This weekend, in addition to all our Easter fun my family had a garage sale. The garage sale doesn’t exactly qualify as fun, but it did happen. My mom has had a ton of stuff in the garage that she’s been wanting to be rid of since their latest home remodel and I am getting ready to move so I’ve been trying to weed out things that I don’t love enough to carry up and down a flight of stairs, so it made perfect sense to try to make a buck or two in the process of getting rid of our possessions, or as I like to call them, mistakes.
We were up bright and early on Saturday morning and by “bright and early” I mean well before that slacker the sun ever came up. Here are all of our wares set up:

And, in a stroke of pure genius, here is our trailer which we set up as a table:
I kept telling Mom that we were like the Beverly Hillbillies because at a low point in the crowd we were sitting in our lawn chairs next to the trailer with Mom’s laptop watching videos on YouTube.
Thus, making this the classiest garage sale in history.
Here are Mom and I looking our absolute best!
In a related note, this is the first and last time you will see me with zero makeup on in a picture. Mainly because of my vanity, but also because I learned that if you are me and you don’t wear your makeup then you don’t get the SPF protection in your makeup. Hence, the sun burn I am currently sporting (there’s nothing fair about fair skin).
Oh, wait. That won’t be the very last picture of me with no makeup:
Apparently, I’m not to sure about this early morning business, while Mom seems perfectly content (And to answer your question: no. I don’t know WHAT is happening with my hair).
Dad was a big help. He offered to let us sell his shoes right off his feet.
Look who else showed up to help (and by “help” I mean mock):
Chelsea. She’s all sunglasses and attitude.
So much about this pic cracks me up. Mainly, the fact that Chels is wearing a short-sleeved v neck and I have on two shirts and a scarf and I was still cold.
My favorite item up for sale was this wooden box that my Mother used to carry as a purse! HA!
The low point of the day was a toss up (besides waking up in the morning) between the time I accidentally left my camera on the table and a lady tried to buy it and when I displayed my haggling prowess by telling a lady I would take 25 cents for two shirts. That’s a serious two-for, folks.
I learned a hard lesson from this garage sale and that lesson is: garage sales are not fun. Sure, it was nice to see neighbors and we couldn’t have picked a more beautiful day to have it, but seriously? It was a lot of work for not a lot of payoff.
Plus, did I mention the sun burn??
On Sunday we were a very tired little family. Including Mom, although I had to take three shots before I got a pre-approved blog-worthy photo of her at the right angle. Apparently, Judy’s not a fan of having photos of her asleep on the couch finding their way onto my blog. And you wonder where the diva in me comes from…
All said and done our garage sale made us a little money and we were able to get rid of a bunch of our junk. And once I catch up on all the sleep I lost this weekend I’m sure I’ll remember it fondly. Or at least remember it.