In honor of the many Irish Americans who read my blog here is a list of Irish things that I like, which I am so efficiently calling:
List of Irish Things That I Like:
1. Green. Green is probably my favorite color. Or, at least, when I can decide on a favorite color it is usually green. And, although I’ve never been, I hear Ireland is known for its green landscape.
2. The Corrs. Awesome music. Thank you Ireland. Thank you Corrs. Thank you to the “In Blue” record that I listened to nonstop for a whole month when I was 17. You’d think that I’d still be burned out on their music even now, but I still listen to it with great affection. Coincidentally, if you are in the mood for some good instrumental music, check out “Rebel Heart”- next thing you know you’re imagining yourself roaming the green hills of Ireland (or so I’ve heard).
3. Vacation Dreaming. I’d like to visit Ireland on vacation. If you’d like to support me in this goal, I’ll gladly take Visa, Mastercard or Discover through my PayPal account.
4. The accent. Makes me so very happy.
5. Irish Cream Pies. Once upon a time, in high school, Chelsea and I were partners for a project (this is funny all by itself because Chels and I were strictly forbidden from being partners in almost all of our classes because of all the giggling, but we somehow managed to trick Mrs. Graham into letting us team up) and the project required us to present a holiday and bring a food to class, as a learning tool. Well, Chelsea and I thought we were being so sneaky in choosing to make an Irish Cream Pie to represent St. Patrick’s Day because Irish Cream Pie includes a little ingredient called Irish Cream. We hit up the mini-bar at Chelsea’s house and made the pie which included some Bailey’s and nervously brought it to class. We watched with amazement as our classmates and teacher gobbled down the pie and then, when Mrs. Graham asked for the ingredients, we replied with “chocolate and I don’t know… some kind of cream, maybe?”.
6. The Lord of the Dance. What is not to love? Dancing? Good. Costumes? Good. Pipes and Flutes? Good. Dancers’ feet flying about as if disconnected to their bodies? Good.
7. Celtic Woman. What would I do without the Celtic Woman performances on PBS? I love the “choreography” and the fact that the women always seem to be performing in front of some dilapidated castle with a drawbridge. I will forever love the Celtic Woman because it reminds me of my friends The Clardy’s who share a similar affinity for all things Celtic Woman.
8. U2. Duh. Because: A.) I love their music, B.) I am a big fan of people who use their good fortune to do good for others and C.) I truly believe Bono and I could be best friends in real life if we could just meet.
9. Limerick. Because I enjoy a good limerick from time to time.
10. The Potato. Ireland has a long and somewhat rocky relationship with the potato, as do I. Need I mention Ireland’s rough go-of-it after The Potato Famine, or my dark days after the french fry incident of 2007? It’s a love-hate thing. But in the end? So worth it.
There you have it. 10 Irish things that I like. I’m pretty sure that the Irish Department of Tourism will be calling me any minute now, so I need to go prepare my best Irish accent.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Well, I learn more about you and Chels and the things you got into from the past........... Waiting for more info. to come.
uh oh...looks like the cat's out of the bag!!