Friday, February 27, 2009

Shaking The Haters Off

Yesterday I was wandering the internet and I came across this article. Which discusses the drama surrounding Gwyneth Paltrow's new website.

In case you are too lazy to click over here's the synopsis: Gwyneth Paltrow has a new lifestyle website where she shares recipes, travel tips and just regular life advice but some people think it's silly that she'd have a lifestyle site because she's a celebrity and apparently it's beneath her to have a website. I'm not really positive what the complaint is honestly, but you get the picture.

When I first saw the article I had two basic reactions: the first was to quickly click over and check out the website, which I tried to do but I'm having trouble getting in. I feel like there's some sort of invisible bouncer that recognizes I'm not cool enough to be allowed inside the website. Maybe it somehow knows that my IP Address regularly visits online gaming sites such as mahjong and web sudoku in addition to the countless hours spent on facebook. So, I can't vouch for the greatness of the website yet, but you better believe I'll keep trying until I get in.

My second thought was this: when I first began my little blog here a lot of people were very upset too. I mean, when People magazine called me to ask for a response to all the criticism I was slightly surprised. But, I too responded just like Gwyneth, saying: "those who make fun of it just don't get it." Honestly, if this blog didn't exist where would you get all of the information you need for your daily life? How could you survive day to day without knowing proper etiquette for opera attenders or without the reminder to daily sing His praises for the invention of the DVR? Now, I'm not positive what Gwyneth is writing about on her blog, but when she isn't passing along wisdom given to her by the Dali Lama then I am pretty sure she's writing about her DVR.

And I just don't see how anyone could possibly complain about that.

1 comment:

  1. You know what? I DO get it. I need you to teach me life etiquette.

    Actually, though, I am one of the ones too lazy to click over (my little chair just gets so uncomfortable, and I get antsy at my little desk. I can't sit on the couch like normal people and their laptops because if I look at mine the wrong way, it shuts off and won't come back on for days). But, I love all the links you put in! That's so tech savvy!

    Most of all, though, I LOVE the new background. So cute!!
