Lately, all I’ve been writing have been this birthday posts, so maybe you should be thankful that my friend’s have summer birthdays. Or maybe you’re sad that all I’m getting around to writing about are other people’s lives. I have seen the error of my ways and I already have a post planned for tomorrow that’s all about me! But, for today, let’s talk about my friend Sarah.
You all know the drill, yesterday was Sarah’s 26th birthday and so, here’s a list of 26 reasons to love Sarah!
1. I met Sarah on my second day at DBU. My roommate Alison and I were returning to our room and she and her roommate Miranda were returning to theirs and we lived down the hall from each other so we introduced ourselves and became FAST friends. We ended up hanging out at dinner that night, then hanging out after dinner, then hanging out late into the night that night. Indicative of many days to come.
2. Sarah is a Doctor! Doctor Sarah! How cool is it that I have a friend who is a Doctor and can check out my eyes if I need it?
3. When we lived in the dorms together Sarah would often wake me up and keep me up until 2 a.m.- she was never ready for the party to end. We had some of the CRAZIEST times together at around 1:45 in the morning.
4. In college we often talked about taking a big road trip to Vegas and San Francisco. We were going to name it the “Hit That Ho Up Tour”. I have no idea WHY we were going to call it that and I’m a little disturbed by it, but it’s mainly just funny.
5. Sarah is married to Justin, who has quickly become one of my favorite people. It’s almost scary how perfect they are for each other. They are fun and easy to be around, I’m very glad that they agree to hang out with me from time to time.
6. One time, for a college organization, Sarah and I had to sing a duet at an initiation ceremony. We sang “Faith Of Our Fathers”. It was hilarious.
7. Sarah’s an amazing musician and worship leader.
8. For a long time Sarah embraced the popped collar so wholeheartedly you would have thought she was a frat boy. But, she made it work… and even made it look cool.

9. Sarah and I share a healthy fear of anything to do with horror movies. And when I say “healthy fear” I mean we are easily terrified and may never recover if we get scared by something or someone. I appreciate that I have someone to NOT go see scary movies with.
10. Sarah can make any place feel homey and comfortable. When we were in Africa we lived in rooms which were a far cry from home, but Sarah took some of her old coke bottles, washed them out and put flowers in them on her windowsill. It made her room feel very welcoming. It’s the kind of thing she does now, in her new house (which is beautiful and welcoming).
11. She has great style! Both in fashion and decorating (see #10).
12. The LEMON SHAKER. Sarah has a collection of rhythm shakers and one of them is a lemon. Freshmen year of college I stole the lemon and wrote a ransom note. She retaliated by papering my door and begging for the lemon’s return. I still have the decorated papers from my door and Sarah still has the lemon. It is an iconic story from our friendship.
13. THIS PICTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
14. We share a mutual love for the old SNL skit “Brian Fellows”. Brian Fellows is the world’s worst zoologist / TV host. “That shaggy rat needs a haircut!”
15. There was a time when Sarah and I kept accidentally dressing alike. We would get ready in different cities and show up wearing the almost exact same pink polo and jeans or blue t-shirt and khaki skirt.
16. One time we organized (and starred) in a musical for DBU’s spring sing. It was our own take on Mary Poppins and it was genius.
17. Sarah is a person who does what she loves. She loves being around and interacting with people and she loves eyes. Plus, she’s really good at both of those things. Whatever Sarah does she does it with 110%- something I’m sure her patients appreciate.
18. About 12 days after I met her Sarah took me to visit her family and I fell in love with her parents! They are amazing and it’s been a joy to get to know the Mercer clan as I got to know Sarah.
19. We both love to go out and be adventurous, but we are equally happy to stay home, do an art project and watch “You’ve Got Mail”. That’s not something you can say about many friends.
20. She’s beautiful! Inside and out!
21. She is wickedly funny and has some of the best one-liners. She makes me giggle and when we spend a lot of time laughing when we’re together.
22. Sarah has a deep and steady faith. She loves our Lord with great passion.
23. She’s cool. I mean it. She’s just plain cool.
24. Sarah is one of the smartest people I know. She’s also one of the hardest working people I know. But, she’s never arrogant. If she wasn’t one of my best friends it would be sickening.
25. I don’t really know how we’re still friends or even really how we became friends to begin with. All I can figure is, God, in His infinite wisdom, knew something we didn’t and has continued to renew our friendship and grow our bonds. We met 8 years ago and our friendship continues to grow sweeter.
26. I love you Sarah, you are such a wonderful friend! Thanks for being YOU.