It was a ton of fun. We got little presents for Katy and Baby V. And took some photos that are sure to make the Baby hate me when she gets here.

Case and point:

The funniest conversation of the night involved Miranda deciding to start her own Baby Halloween Clothing Company. The business plan involves starting out with just Halloween costumes that cater to the baby interested in having a super fly costume and then eventually (after her first million) branching out to give the hip baby everyday-wear.
The company name will be: Babyz in da Hood. And the piece de resistance? The company will center around her invention of the 'Baby Grill' to give that baby a little extra bling.
A feat that the 2 carat diamond studs and Flava Flav necklace just won't provide.
What a fun evening! I hate that you didn't get to feel her kick that night, cuz she's just been turning flips since then! She's probably just excited about all that bling Mir will provide. Maybe since she won't have teeth for awhile, we can bedazzle her buppy to look like a grill.