I may be the most boring person known to man. Sad, I know, but true.
There is drama in my life, but it mostly involves the crazy people in my life who are just too hard to explain in writing. Sometimes they are too hard for me to explain to myself.
Here's the run-down of my life lately:
1. I just watched the Ben Stein movie Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. It was incredible and really thought-provoking. I have been telling everyone I know all about it.
2. My students competed in Solo and Ensemble and did REALLY well. I was super proud of them.
3. Katy came for a visit. One pizza and a few vampires later, it was confirmed that we are truly best friends for life. Sometimes things change, but that doesn't always have to be a bad thing- sometimes it just means that you adapt and grow with the changes. Luckily for me, this is one of those friendships that continues to blossom.
4. I went to the most awkward class ever tonight. One of the students and my professor nearly had a smackdown. I don't believe I've ever seen such rudeness in real life. It was highly dramatic.
5. I am getting ready for Easter weekend and I'm going home! I plan on dying Easter eggs, playing with all the kitties and puppies at my parents' house and hanging out with my BFF Chels. Because nothing says He is risen like baby animals and your friends.
I am officially all listed out. Whew.
OH my gosh! You linked me?! I've never been linked before. That's so cool! I'm glad that we can adapt and grow together. You are my BFFAEAE...AE.