Each Tuesday night my friend Yumi and I have dinner together. It's a tradition that we take pretty seriously. A lot of times during our meals Yumi will ask me to explain some crazy American thing because she is from Taiwan.
Over dinner tonight we were discussing our weekends, so I told her all about going home and seeing my family. I also told Yumi about going to church on Sunday to celebrate Easter and she asked me what my church did for Easter. She wanted to know if it was a special service or if we did anything unusual for Easter Sunday.
I quickly gave an overview of the Salvation Story (if any of my Bible professors would have been there they might have cried at the convuluted mess of broken English I spewed out- but that's neither here nor there). I explained that Good Friday is good because Christ took our sins to the cross with Him and on Easter we celebrate His resurrection and our own new life.
Then, she asked me the sweetest, most wonderful question ever:
"Ok. But why is there a bunny?"
Oh man. Now that I'm thinking about it I'm a little sad that this is what people take away from the whole Easter experience, but at the time all I could think about was the laughs. I do think that I eventually managed to make up some correlation between bunnies representing new life and our new life and whatnot.
I'll be honest- I wasn't even buying it.
After all of that explanation she had just one more question:
"Ok. But why does the bunny have eggs?"
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