I'll be back soon with another post on something really important like my top five favorite lip balms, but in the meantime, here's something I've been pondering lately:
Recently, I was talking with a friend and she began to tell me a story. This story involved one of our mutual friends and from the beginning I had a feeling that it was a seriously big piece of gossip. As soon as I realized this I got a feeling in the pit of my stomach. I'm ashamed to say the feeling was giddy excitement.
Do you ever get that feeling? Has that ever happened to you? Because, I have to say, it is almost always my reaction in this scenario.
I have always loved knowing secrets, and over the years, my desire to know secrets has made me good at keeping them. Or at least good at picking who I share them with. At any rate, I love being in the know and feeling included, so when someone shares an interesting tidbit I feel giddy and excited.
But, after hearing this latest story, I may be changing my mind. There is nothing exciting about families being torn apart. I do not feel giddy over the prospect of lives being ruined or friends hurting. What I feel is heartbroken. Heartbroken for my friend and for myself. That my sin is just as self-seeking and hurtful as anyone else's.
Obviously, that feeling of giddy excitement has given way to serious sadness and great humility. I see now that whatever fleeting pleasures came from this don't mean a thing when judged against the test of eternity. There is only One great hope to put our trust and faith into. Only One worth living our days for. Only He can help us to weather the storm and the quicksand of sin. God have mercy.
In HIM we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace. -Ephesians 1:7