Last Saturday Chelsea and I went to the State Fair of Texas. I am only slightly embarrassed to reveal to you that it was my second time to visit the fair. That week. I don’t really know how to defend myself, other than to say that when you love something with your whole heart, as I love the Texas State Fair, you make it a priority in your life. Anyway, Chels and I had a great day. We managed to check all of our “Must-Do” items off of our list.
We visited the petting zoo:
And discovered that alpacas may just be the cutest animal I ever did see:
I caught up with Big Tex:
We tried some Texan delicacies (and by ‘delicacies’ I mean anything that would stay still long enough to be deep fried):
Fried Bacon
And, since I know the questions are inevitable, I will give you my opinion on all the fried foods I partook of. In my personal experience fried foods are exciting and delicious. IN THEORY. In reality? The first three bites are usually pretty good… but then you start to think about what exactly it is your eating and it’s all downhill from there. But, I continue to eat them because fried food hope springs eternal. The fried margarita could have been good, except they poured strait margarita juice (or whatever that would be called) over the fried part, which made it pretty gross. The bacon was ok, except every time you took a bite all the fried stuff would fall off, so in the end you were just eating bacon. And I don’t know about you, but I prefer not to pay $8 for my bacon.
After eating our way across the fair Chels and I headed to visit my friend Cortnee. While there we watched a little MLB Smackdown:
I may be momentarily obsessed with the Rangers. And I’m ok with that. Especially when they’re winning.
After we left Cortnee’s Chelsea needed to run by her office (at 8:00. On a Saturday night. Nerd Alert!) so she headed over to do that and I went home. After I’d been home for a few minutes Chels called and asked if my Dad and I could come jump her car since it was dead. When we got there I realized that Chelsea had been holding out on me:
I had no idea she was this prepared. She has her own traffic emergency sign. We’ve been best friends for over 10 years and I would never have expected her to have a spare tire, much less a traffic sign. In my defense, she did have a flashlight, but no batteries.
All said and done the Fair definitely lived up to its hype this year, and now I am counting down the days until next year. Just 365 days left to prepare my arteries for the deep fried butter.
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